The King of Fighters XIII + CLIMAX [Taito Type X2]

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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Supreme » 15 июл 2010, 18:48

Japan team's ending with the credits and game over screen
В следующей части ждем две версии Иори?
Ladies team's ending
Yagami team's ending

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The King of Fighters XIII + CLIMAX [Taito Type X2]

Сообщение HawkScr1mer » 15 июл 2010, 21:28

Последний раз редактировалось HawkScr1mer 21 июн 2022, 01:14, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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NEO Deadly Rave
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Карточка игрока: Supreme
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Supreme » 16 июл 2010, 15:56

( Перевод ендинга Японии тим и комментарий переводчика )
Yagami : Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Staff : How dangerous! Let's step back! Roll the cameras! Right Over here!
Reporter : During the victory interview of the japan team, suddenly Yagami senshu has made an attack (lit use "has transpassed")
Yagami : Do you have anything to complain on me bursting in into this victory ceremony, Kyo?
Kyo : .... Victory? Is it victory?
Ash (Ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪)
Kyo : You just don't understand, You can't even feel how much I have to thank you for this.
Kyo : ..... Yagam, Don't you have that feeling as well? (he lit uses" you haven't encountered / found something like this too?")
Yagami : Aaa, that Feeling. This day will become your funeral day (responds with "I have met it" and "death anniversary")
Kyo : Hm, ........ Will it be like that
Kyo : Today I'll use that felling of of annoyance that this whole mess has caused me to totally blow you down! (Not really literal, meh)
Yagami : I'll be the one that will show you the entrance to hell, but he rest of the trip you'll have to do it by yourself!
Yagami : DIE------!!!!!!
Ash : And thus all of the world shall disappear... Ah ha ha ha hah♪

Ok, If I have to interpret the ending, I'll say that Iori is pissed because he is Iori, and Kyo is pissed because he "didn't" got to see what Ash was aiming to and couldn't stop him from ending out like he did. I take that the Ash flash backs are things that Ash said previously (where as during the tournament or the previous game) and Kyo is remembering them in anger.

( Ikari team )
(The setting is a medical ward. The ending takes place from Leona's point of view. She opens her eyes and looks around her)
Leona: Lieutenant...
Clark: Don't strain yourself...get some rest. No-one was really too worried...heck, maybe a little rest would do you-
(voices from the corridor speak up)
?: When the hell is she going to wake up? Is that scrub of a doctor going to take responsibility if something happens to her or what?
?: P-please be patient...
?: Colonel, please calm down!
?: Shut up and get lost! I'm here escorting her as her instructor!
?: This is a hospital, so-
?: So what if it's a hospital or the bleeding White House, eh?!
?: Put a sock in it! It's not just you who's worried, alright?
?: If you're going to blow up at people randomly you'd better be prepared to deal with the consequences!
?: ...the hell did you say? Don't get cheeky with me, whip girl!
?: It's not whip girl! Keep calling me that and I'll get mad, even with you, Colonel!
Clark: *cough*
Huh: (silence)
Ralf: Yo, looks like you finally woke up, Sleeping Beauty.
Whip: Good to see you're back with us.
Leona: I'm...sorry.
Ralf: What's with the gloom and doom? It's an opportunity to relax! You don't get those very often. Take it easy.
Clark: I already told her that. Colonel, please sit over there and don't go anywhere.
Whip: Yes, it's just like the lieutenant said.
Ralf: Don't you people treat me as some sort of pest!
Clark: We didn't say tha-
Whip: But aren't you a pest after all?
Ralf: Oi, how about you start treating me like your commanding officer?
Whip: I can't treat a commanding officer who doesn't behave like one any other way.
Ralf:, you're not cute at all.
Clark: Whip, stop it, won't you? Colonel, you're behaving rather childishly as well.
Ralf: What, you trying to act all cool by yourself again?
Clark: I can't get involved in your childish squabbles.
Whip: That's cruel, lieutenant! To call this a childish squabble...
Clark: And stop getting involved yourself! I have to clean up after you time after time...
Leona: *laughs to herself*

( И Psycho soldier team )
Athena, Kensou, Chin, Bao and Momoko are being interviewed.

Interviewer: Congratulations on your victory!
Athena: Thank you so much! It was all due to the support of our fans!
Interviewer: You guys are on everyone's minds right now! There's even talks about a TV show and movie based on all of you!
Kensou: Whoa, for real...?

-Suddenly the lights go out-

The other Reporters: Whoa, what? Did the lights go out!?
???: HaHaHa!
???: I am Sigma! The true ruler of this world!

Kensou: Wait! We won't let you get away!
Sigma: What!? Who is that!?
Kensou: I'm PSYCHO-RED!
Athena: I'm PSYCHO-BLUE!
Everyone: And together, We are the PSYCHO RANGERS!!
Sigma: Damn you, PSYCHO RANGERS! I summon you, come out, MODDED HIZOKU RON!
Ron: Leave it to me, master Sigma... Fight me, PSYCHO RANGERS!
Kensou: It's you, MODDED HIZOKU! Everyone, let's go!
Kaori: Be careful, PSYCHO RANGERS!
Commander Chin: Use the PSYCHO BOMBER!

Kensou: Like, that would be so cool!
All the others: Dream on!

Секретные цвета:
( Ральф )

( K', виндовс) )

( Joe )

Кастом тим ендниг:
Герои и девочки)

( Еще немного про таунты )
K': Fixes the position of his shades
Chin: Continuously Chugs up his drink--- it keeps raising his booze meter until it's stopped!
Terry: Fixes the position of his cap
Joe: Cracks his knuckles

-Shoto characters seem to be dominating the game right now. Kyo, K', Kula. Also Ash, Elisabeth and Duolong --though I haven't faced Liz and Duolong yet. IMO it's too early to say who's high amonst the tiers, but I don't think Kyo will be falling from his rank because he has pretty much everything in terms of his moveset.

-In XIII, It's easy to smack someone jumping because the jumps aren't as fast. Only problem is, you'd need a good anti-air. For many of the characters, their normal attacks don't seem to have too much range (at least in terms of anti-air); characters with an uppercut move are more reliable and seems more often preferred by players.

-Some characters can do combos from a special without using a drive meter. For Instance, Yuri's feirce Saifa comes out slow but has a quick enough recovery that she can even smack her opponent with a feirce punch before they land. K's is quite awful since his uppercut can hit after his Iron Trigger afterattack.

-Projectiles in general are fast and useful, but not almighty. They're a good novice killer, but advanced players won't have much trouble. Don't quote me on this, but it seems like characters with good projectiles like King and Takuma don't have reliable anti-airs without using their supers. Note that the power meter doesn't fill up if it doesn't even get guarded by the opponent.

-It's really rare to find a Hwa Jai. I'm trying to figure out how to use him myself. Recovery from his weak aerial dragon tail is awfully good, but otherwise his special attacks seem to be punishable. I think his super drink may be the key to fighting with him. Note that you can get hit while drinking, but you'll still turn color. People aren't used to fighting him so they end up trying to guard his dragon back breaker, thinking that it's a ranbu.

-Raiden is fun to use.. does his poison mist come out faster than in XII? Weak poison connects from his fierce attack and seems to be a good source of chip damage. Holding on the kick button (for a dropkick) while doing his shoulder tackle doesn't cancel it like it did during the beta.

-Mai might be a good projectile character killer since her jumps are fast and far. But it's hard to tell since she's rarely used. Seems to have problems when cornered.

-Yuri has lots of options for attacking and can be quite fun to use. Not as often used like the way everyone did in the Hong Kong beta tests. She's good at offence, but might have issues in defence.

-Takuma's EX Koouken catches everyone by surprise and seems like a good finisher when the opponent has no life remaining. It just appears whereever the opponent is, very scary.

-Haven't met a good Maxima player just yet. I'm not sure how to use him, he's as slow as Molasses and his guard point is a mystery to me; I'm assuming that they're very timing-specific. Then again, a good guard point like Zeus' punch from WHP would be....

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NEO Deadly Rave
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Supreme » 16 июл 2010, 17:43

( Подробно о сюжете )
Apparently, Those From the Past (TFTP) are a clan of powerful people originated from Western Europe led by a being named Saiki. In fact, they can be considered the Western counterpart of the Orochi clan, as both Orochi and Saiki are divine beings known as Gaia's Will. Unlike Orochi who has the power to distort space, Saiki has the power to distort time.

TFTP wanted Orochi's power to open the Time Gate (the gate we saw in the Boss Stage), which requires a lot of energy to do so. The reason they wanted to open the Time Gate is so that Saiki can travel back to the past to rewrite history, as many members of TFTP were wiped out in a war by humans (speculated to be Elizabeth's ancestors). However, when the door of the Time Gate closes before Saiki can even reach the past, it would create a time paradox, thus it would cause Saiki's existence to cease. So in order to ensure that the gate stays open when Saiki is time travelling, the power of the Three Sacred Treasure is needed.

Saiki ordered Ash, who would later be revealed to be his direct descendant, to steal the Three Sacred Treasures from Kyo, Iori and Chizuru. Ash succeeds in stealing the latter two's treasures, but it was revealed that he never really intend to help his ancestor in his plan to change history. One of the reasons is probably because he fears that if history is changed, then Elizabeth, whom he viewed as a sister figure, would ceased to exist. The reason for him to steal the treasures is to gain Saiki's trust so that he can get near him.

When Rose congratulates the winner of the tournament, Saiki and his remaining followers set their plan into motion. Saiki uses his power to freeze time, causing the surrounding environment and people (with the exception of the KOF participants) to stop moving. Because only two of the Three Sacred Treasures were collected, Saiki orders his followers to go to the Time Gate and use their powers instead along with the other two treasures to ensure the the Time Gate is open. However, Mukai wishes to stay behind so that he can deal with the KOF participants in his master's place. Despite Mukai's display of loyalty, Saiki is annoyed by Mukai for disobeying his order and proceeds to kill him, reducing him into a pile of bones. Saiki then transforms into a red demonic looking creature and decides to use the KOF participants as a sacrifice to Orochi in order to increase its power to open the Time Gate.

After a massive battle, the KOF participants managed to overcome Saiki. Despite this, Saiki taunts them that the more they struggle against him, the more power they would provide to open the Time Gate. However, things does not go as planned for Saiki when he was informed by Botan that the door of the Time Gate is closing. Shocked by this turn of event, Saiki deduces that more sacrifice is needed. Before he could even proceed further, Saiki is blindsided and has what appears to be his soul absorbed by Ash, whom noticed that his guard is down during the distraction.

Shocked by Ash's betrayal, Botan demands an explanation from him, to which he nonchalantly replies that TFTP should have perished a long time ago just as stated by history. Before he could say more however, Ash suddenly went into a trance as his entire body is enveloped with dark aura, revealing that Saiki's soul has managed to overcome Ash's willpower and possessed his body. The resulting possession causes a powerful energy explosion, which blows away Botan. Refusing to let his plan fail, Saiki plans to use Ash's body (seems like his original body is destroyed) to travel through the Time Gate to complete his plans. The KOF participants follow Saiki and engages him in one final showdown, which ended with Saiki defeated again.
With the last ounce of his strength, Saiki attempts to cross the Time Gate when its door is closing again. When he almost succeed in reaching the door, Ash uses his remaining willpower to stop the body from moving further. Realizing what's happening, Saiki warns Ash that if they don't cross the Time Gate now, their existence would eventually perish due to the time paradox. Unfazed by the warning, Ash nonchalantly tells his ancestor that this suits him just fine.

After Saiki perished while screaming for his life, Ash was approached by Elizabeth.
He tells Elizabeth that things didn't go as well as he planned as the results could have been better. Puzzled by what Ash says, she asked for the meaning behind his words. Ash then explains that since Saiki no longer exists due to the time paradox, it wouldn't be long before he himself would perish. Realizing the truth, Elizabeth couldn't accept what would eventually happen and told Ash that she is here because she wanted to bring him back and live like how they used to during their younger days. Realizing his time is short, Ash apologizes to Elizabeth as he fades away from existance.

Shortly after Ash perished, everything returns to normal as Rose continues her speech to congratulate the winners of the tournament. Meanwhile, in an unknown location, a soldier reports to Heidern there was a time rift spreading at the location of the KOF Tournament. Heidern comments that Ash's actions have saved the present world. He then deduces that Ash didn't do it for the world's sake, but for the sake of protecting his own pride. Heidern then laments that since Ash had ceased to exist, no one would know the truth behind his actions as their memories of him would eventually perish as well.

Как то, все равно, много чего не хватает..

И еще впечатлений:
Drive Cancels are very timing specific. Check SNKP's videos if you can't get them to work.

The missions in 1P mode loops. There's only like 8-10 of them and they keep shuffle-looping forever throughout the round.

At the edge of the screen, a good number of combos like Takuma's Hien Shippukyaku> Zanretsuken conencts without doing it EX or Drive.

Saiki and Dark Ash actually have pre-fight dialogues for all the characters.

The dialogues in KOFXIII are done by novelist Akihiko Ureshino, so they're pretty good and funny. These are straight out of my bad memory so there's tons of lines missing, but for example--

Raiden vs King:
King: Man, huge guys like you remind me of some bad memories.
Raiden: Huh what? What do you mean?
King: I used to know of someone that was just fat, smelly, and obnoxious.
Raiden: Grr! I've never been so mad about someone else getting badmouthed!

Raiden Vs. Saiki:
Saiki: Hey how about that! Pigs have evolved during the years that they can now speak!
Raiden: What the hell are you talking about?
Saiki: Oh wait, looks like I was wrong. It's not a pig. It's just a big, huge fatso!!
Raiden: Why you---!!

Vice vs King
Vice: Hey, you look... Good, heh heh.
King: What? What are you talking about?
Vice: Oh sugar, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
King: Er, I'd rather not talk about things like that..

Victory quotes are good as well. In Joe vs Joe, he says something to the extent of "I'll beat you next time with a law suit, you pirated copy!"

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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Hidan » 16 июл 2010, 17:56

Есть ли какая-то вероятность, что пайм тарадокс, не сотрёт Эша (а только какбы вернёт его к началу пути до встречи с Сайки, когда он емы предложил красть Священные Реликты)? Ведь как-то тупо, ввиду того что Сайки "скорее всего" имел потомство ДО путешествия во времени. Ибо иначе это было бы ну очень запутанная петля.

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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение UltimaOriginal » 17 июл 2010, 04:44

Что-то близкое я и думал. Мне было только интересно для чего three sacred treasures, теперь ясно. Но всё равно, сюжет крутой, в духе кофа.))

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The King of Fighters XIII + CLIMAX [Taito Type X2]

Сообщение HawkScr1mer » 17 июл 2010, 15:51

Последний раз редактировалось HawkScr1mer 21 июн 2022, 01:13, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Broken » 18 июл 2010, 15:41

жопа, 13 коф на слив, кто играл в 12 поймёт
-The strong hits cancels speeds are actually like XII (I kept missing fundamentals combos like Yuri's s.C into Saifa (qcb+P) coz I was doing it too fast)

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Time To Go
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Hidan » 18 июл 2010, 17:05

Broken_Angel писал(а):жопа, 13 коф на слив, кто играл в 12 поймёт
Вини свои руки!

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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Broken » 18 июл 2010, 17:06

Hidan в чём мне их винить?
элсо ты ваще понимаешь о чём речь или к 12 не притрагивался?

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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Fidoskin » 18 июл 2010, 19:57

Норм , привыкнем)

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NEO Deadly Rave
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Supreme » 21 июл 2010, 15:25

Ендинги тут -
Норм, но хотелось бы посерьезней иногда.

7 видосов с боями из Японии, скил не очень -

Бои из США -
Будут продолжать там появлятся.

О дэмэйдж скейлинге:
Notes on KOFXIII's damage scaling according to observations by KOF player Dune

1. Damage scaling doesn't seem to differ whether you're in Hyper Drive mode or not.

2. Scaling is done according to the number of moves you've done, and not the number of hits. For example, whether you do a fierce punch into a super or a zanretsuken into a super, the damage from the super is the same.

3. The Scaleback rate is 5 percent per attack. Dune hasn't checked what happens after 20 attacks (because in theory, that'll be a 100% scaleback rate).

Ash Crimson
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Ash Crimson » 21 июл 2010, 20:44

Что то слишком всего очень мало....((( мид босс еще будет один?

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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Broken » 23 июл 2010, 17:58

вывы луп возвращается


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NEO Deadly Rave
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Supreme » 26 июл 2010, 01:11

Есть такой приятный слушок: Адельхейд секретный перс, который откроется после 720 часов, т.е. где то 13-14 августа. И в его концовке Эш жив.
Звучит сомнительно. Но в защиту, надо заметить что у 11 КоФа было несколько таких секретных персонажей, которые со временем открылись.

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Карточка игрока: Broken
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Контактная информация:

Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Broken » 26 июл 2010, 02:39

Отличные новости, я был уверен что СНК все карты сразу не выложит
один из самх любимых чаров Сюжетно и по Боевке очень жду.

КОгда будут отборочные на сбо?

Аватара пользователя
NEO Deadly Rave
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Supreme » 26 июл 2010, 03:52

Че ты радуешься, это не новость, а всего лишь слушок.)

Отборочные, видимо, с первого августа -
Интересно что они будут делать с багом, когда Такума не имея ни одной полоски повера может делать ЕХ мувы.

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Карточка игрока: Broken
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Откуда: Khb->Spb
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Broken » 26 июл 2010, 04:09

Supreme я верю)

мона ссылку на описание бага, мона забанить как в GGXXS=)

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Контактная информация:

Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение UltimaOriginal » 26 июл 2010, 09:27

Supreme писал(а):Че ты радуешься, это не новость, а всего лишь слушок.)

Отборочные, видимо, с первого августа -
Интересно что они будут делать с багом, когда Такума не имея ни одной полоски повера может делать ЕХ мувы.
Ну, только одно пришло на ум... KoF XIII Tougeki ver. (bugs are fixed, Adelheid is unlocked).))

Аватара пользователя
NEO Deadly Rave
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Re: The King of Fighters XIII

Сообщение Supreme » 26 июл 2010, 13:12

Про баг:
So I have played this game a great deal now and have one thing that is bothering me. I played against a Takuma player who was able to do EX moves even when he didnt have a full super bar, shit he pretty much did it when he didnt have any meter at all, anyone else experience this (it happened at two different arcade locations too)
I forgot to mention: Takuma's EX Shippu and Goro's Jiraishin can be done without meter, but it depletes a meter if there is any. In another words, it's supposed to be useful when they don't have anything, like when they're the first character in the match.
В пользу того что Аделя не будет еще и то что, мастер гайд по игре выходит 4го числа, т.е. раньше срока когда перс должен открыться, а в гайде обычно все секреты раскрывают...

Джастин Вонг попробовал игру) Ему понравилось и, говорит, что попробует еще поиграть.
